Wednesday 27 August 2014

Student Writing

*****  Please check out our "Some Stories to Share" tab above to see some of the amazing pieces of writing that our students are doing. *******

IT Expo

Last night CPS had our annual IT Expo.  Every class went all out to produce a stunning display of their work. It was exciting to see so many parents and whanau come along to support their tamariki. 

Room 13's display was based on our most recent topic of "Inventions and Inventors". Five of our students displayed their own individual research and we were treated to a wealth of knowledge about Tea Bags from Anna, Netball by Sina, the humble Magnifying Glass from Chris, Video Games by Terei and the delicious Sandwich from Justin. The did a wonderful job of both their display board and brochures that they produced on Microsoft Publisher.

Meanwhile the rest of the class were presented with a mystery item that was sourced from the local inorganic rubbish collection. The Cowboys (aka the boys team) was presented with a rather shabby looking carseat which was transformed into a pretty groovy go-cart while the Panthers (aka the girls team) were presented with a rather simple, plain looking wooden chair which was transformed into the "Snazzy Chair." Each group had to improve their mystery item using materials from the inorganic rubbish collection. 

Everyone who attended the expo were encouraged to vote for the item that had improved the most. At the end of the day, when all votes had been tallied, the girls one by 5 votes!!  Look at our photos below and tell us who you think should have won .... and why ....